I added the blog to the comic page a while ago, because I figured I’d have lots of interesting things to say in it, and I wanted to blog regularly.

My overwhelming experience since has been that… I don’t have anything interesting to say. I remain in awe of how it is that “lifebloggers” can exist and get followings, I certainly don’t have enough personal experiences to relate to make anything approaching a regular commentary on anything.

So, the blog has remained, but I haven’t really used it. Now, I’m trying something new. On Sundays, I#m writing little pieces about my experiences in making comics. I sketched out a list of things to write about, and in total there were 10.

It’s beneficial too. I think about this stuff a lot. The processes behind making something really interest me, and I occupy far much of my time meditating on my own practices, and just going around in a loop. It’s a big tie-wasting exercise.

These blog posts start out as a way to break out of that loop. If I get it down in electrons and photons here, I can wring out my brain, and open up space to think about more exciting things.

Once those posts are over, this blog might not die. I used to write commentaries on the process of making individual comics, where the inspiration came from, where the art worked and failed and so on. These were pretty popular, and I could revive these commentaries in blog posts. Similarly, I could use this space to discuss ideas that didn’t make it, and why.

So, for now, the blog remains. I don’t think it’ll be that popular, but it’s helping me detox my creative space and make room for something better.