Let’s see that again – Venn Diagram of Quadrilaterals
I’ve seen memes on sites like Deviantart that challenge artists to take artwork from their past, and redraw them with their current skillset.
So, here’s an old image redrawn. It is a venn diagram of the quadrilaterals, by taxonomy. The cross-sectional areas are the shape of the shape they describe, so it doesn’t need labelling.
In this case, I traced the paths of the shapes in photoshop, then used a layer effect to apply a glow around the path, so you can only see coloured shadows made by each shape, rather than the actual shape itself.
Whereas the original is fun and useful, with this one I can’t see anything at all.
Yeah, I deliberately removed the shape outlines, and just showed the glow produced by them. I liked it for the abstractness, but it turns out that cafepress really couldn’t cope with it – so when I made a t-shirt from it, I ended up going with solid lines.