307 – Stripsearch Ep-04-Elim-01 – SPACE/TABLE-TENNIS
Okay, right.
There is a webseries currently airing called Stripsearch. This is a reality-TV show where the creators of Penny Arcade are looking to incorporate a new web cartoonist into Penny Arcade Studios. The winner gets a year long contract and $50,000.
Elimination from this show has quite a neat mechanic. The artists who may potentially be knocked out both choose a random word from a hat, and then both must draw a comic-strip incorporating both concepts in 90 minutes.
I figure there’s going to be about eleven of these eliminations, and being what I might laughably call a “web-cartoonist” I too could take these challenges. Therefore, in weeks where Stripsearch has an elimination challenge, I will draw a comic for that challenge. Also within 90 minutes. For challenges following this one, I shall endeavour to draw my comic before watching the rest of the episode, and therefore it should be possible to directly compare my efforts under pressure to two awesome comic artists.
Stripsearch Challenge – Elimination #2
Hey, I’ve taken you up on the challenge. Only I spent all the time with the concept / text and about 5 min with the drawing… why? Well I can’t draw very well even if I tried… but here it is! (go to ‘website’)
Yay! that’s pretty awesome!
I think you’ve made the funniest joke I’ve seen for this challenge yet :)